If you tried to get through an airport security checkpoint with your bugout
bag as a carryon, what would set off the alarms?
The obvious offenders would be your gun, your knives, your
water, your pepper spray, and many of your tools. But happily, the list of what
you can take past security is actually quite long. The TSA lists the things on its no-fly list in this
brochure: TSA Prohibited Items

Of course the absolute decision of whether or not any given item is allowed through security rests with the on-site security agents, so nothing is in stone, and much may depend on your presentation and attitude, and perhaps the mood of any given agent. So don't count on everything you see on the TSA's website or read in a prepper's blog. Add to this the variety of different country's airports and the rolling global security alerts, and your mileage may vary wildly.

Two directions of BOB thinking can be combined into one
effective collection of TSA approved items increasing your chance of survival
or making it back home. One line of thought is surviving long enough to be
rescued, and the other is fighting your way back home.
But first some tips. Consider what you should have on your
person compared to in your carryon bag. In an emergency situation you better not
be clogging my exit with your backpack. So after I am though security, I
rearrange my gear and pocket the most important items. I also have a smaller “murse”
or man-purse that can be accessed quickly, carried easily, and won’t impede my
way to the closest exit, which may be behind me.
Many traditional BOB ingredients are just fine, but the size
or quantity may need to be reduced. Plus you should adjust your outerwear for the season or potential flyover areas.
My TSA compliant BOB / GetHome bag includes at a minimum, the following, with my brand/model suggestions actively linked. However, it is important to note that this list has air travel and airport security in mind. The actual individual items would most certainly change if the TSA were out of the equation. I have had international travel experience with all the items, never encountered a problem. A few odd looks, but no problems.
The list:
My TSA compliant BOB / GetHome bag includes at a minimum, the following, with my brand/model suggestions actively linked. However, it is important to note that this list has air travel and airport security in mind. The actual individual items would most certainly change if the TSA were out of the equation. I have had international travel experience with all the items, never encountered a
The list:
-Two small to medium water bottles (you can fill them
after passing through the security checkpoint). The smaller sizes are easier to
fill and stow.
-Powerbar-type foods, nuts, gum, and the ultimate food Omnibars.
-Flashlight (with AA batteries)
-Headlamp (with AA batteries)
-Cell phone with extra battery pack (charged)
-AM/FM/weather radio like the Sony SRF-M37V with earbuds (with AA batteries)

-TSA compliant scissors
-GPS with maps chip (with AA batteries)
-Titanium cup (can cook/boil water in it over fire)
-Book of matches in watertight bag.

-A dozen TinderQuik® fire tabs
-Small first aid kit
-Sanatary wipes/alcohol sanitizer
-Sanatary wipes/alcohol sanitizer
-Micro-sized Fishing kit
-2 Carabiners
-Three yards of half-inch tubular webbing
-Tactical Pen (but not too tactical)
-Schrade titanium pry tool (hardly a “pry bar” at
only 3.25
-Two 1-gallon Ziploc freezer bags
-Small Rite-in-the-Rain notebook
-Leather gloves
-Drop pouch for fast storage (I recommend 5.11)
You should also wear comfortable and durable walking shoes, and natural fiber shirt, pants, and socks (most non-natural
fibers melt around fire).
The above items, along with my usual travel garb and tech
are divided into three categories: those things on me (think in pockets or
worn around the neck, wrist or waist), those things in my murse (which is often a Maxpedition or SpecOps organizer), and
those in my traditional carryon bag/backpack.

Those things in my murse include some but not all the powerbars/Omnibars,
paracord, duct tape, headlamp, water purification tablets, scissors, compass,
GPS, Tinder Tabs, first aid kit, some zip ties, micro fishing kit, pliers,
notebook, one freezer bag, bandana, Fisher Space Pen, Buff mask, one particulate mask,
and one carabiner on the outside.
All the rest goes in my normal carryon bag. Speaking of
which, here are my rules of thumb for a carryon bag.

Your carryon should not attract undue attention from either color or tacticalness. Some airport security (mostly outside the US) take special interest
in military-looking luggage, so take it easy on the molle, morale patches,
flags, OD green, and camo.
Put the items most likely to attract attention by security screeners in obvious
places or even outside the bag. This includes the tactical pen (during the security check I often have it
in the writing position with the cap off), the pry tool, the scissors, pliers, the
Leatherman, and the water bottles. The titanium cup might also need a second look so that is a good one to clip to the outside of your pack for it's journey through the x-ray machine. Then please promptly stow it back in your pack so you don't look like one of those goofy Hollywood actor-types appear like a seasoned hiker with a cup clanking around as you walk.
What you do want is to have the TSA easily see questionable items, and find them quickly when searched for. You cannot win an argument with the TSA agents so be prepared to loose your item, or possibly mail it back home--a service offered in some airports. In other words, don't pack any heirloom-quality survival tools.
What you do want is to have the TSA easily see questionable items, and find them quickly when searched for. You cannot win an argument with the TSA agents so be prepared to loose your item, or possibly mail it back home--a service offered in some airports. In other words, don't pack any heirloom-quality survival tools.
I’ve had good luck attaching the Leatherman and the pry tool
to my car keys, sending the water bottles through on their own, and putting the
tool-like stuff in with my computer cables or camera equipment. You don’t want
to appear to be hiding anything, or potentially be up to something nefarious.
You’re just a seasoned road warrior, which is exactly right. Right?

In the past I’ve requested a different flight because I didn’t like the way the maintenance workers were looking at my plane. I’ve asked and received flights to different arrival cities when the connecting flights became unusable. And I am quite practiced in the art of sleeping in airports and train stations where a quick analysis of traffic flow, food services, bathroom proximity, lighting, power outlets, and walls and corners to my back will ensure I have the best option when it's obvious this is the end of the line for today. Oh, and have plenty of cash on hand in various currencies, but especially good old American greenbacks.
And yes, I was on this Delta flight: Chaos at the Cape Town Airport
A couple juicy tidbits left out of the news story include the
pilot got typhoid fever while visiting an orphanage. There were no on-site agents able to make decisions so
all communication had to go through HQ in Atlanta (middle of the night there, BTW). The plane's flight number was changed so
all tickets had to be re-booked so absolutely no connecting flight reservations
were maintained No hotels were booked that night (like you could book 300 hotel rooms at 1 am anyway). Surface transportation was unavailable
for many hours. And my all-time favorite, we had already boarded the plane
before the announcement was made that we were missing a pilot…which meant we already cleared
customs…which meant we were technically not in any country…which meant we could
not deplane since customs is a one-way street…which meant we sat for an hour
before someone figured out that we could deplane onto a bus, then drive around the tarmac to the
arrival gates where customs could process us again into South Africa. And only
then could we truly appreciate being stuck without a plan at the southern tip
of the world. While hardly a survival situation, it did highlight our personal vulnerability, and dependency on bureaucratic absurdities nine timezones away.
Once in the air, we had back-to-back eight hour flights with only a refueling stop in Dakar. No
deplaning in Senegal however. Just open plane doors to let in the malaria infected mosquitoes in, and where we could stand at the door threshold looking down 20 feet to the pavement with nothing but a two-inch strap strung across the doorway. Yes folks, the rules seem to change with the country. We landed at JFK at 2 AM. Nobody home. Not surprising really after all the half-truths and non-truths we were fed during the flight.
I remember standing next to the pilot outside the terminal
as he was yelling into his cell phone to get some help out here. Two hours
later the first shift of Delta agents arrived to discover 300 rather angry passengers. In
true airport form, more workers were immediately brought in, but they were armed security
guards ready to enforce the peace.
In the end, it just confirmed that even though you are
packed into a metal tube with 300 other people, you are also totally on your
Carrry on.
Carrry on.